Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What is it about American Music and Movies?

What is it about American music and movies that makes them appealing world wide. I didn't even relaize how much so until I moved to Romania and see Eminem spelt wrong on an elevator wall and Aerosmith playing in a gas station. What makes our music so appealing to people who cannot understand the lyrics or the meaning behind it. Movies I understand a little better but still why has no other country been able to pull of movies of such magnatude and worldwide popularity?What is it about American Music and Movies?Many young people who have grown up in the US really do not realize how much this country is the viewed with awe by many people in the world. In many places, America and everyting American has a magic to it. Most of the people in the world are not free, have little choice in life and exist from day to day.

Then there are extremely rich countries such as Middle Eastern Oil producers that still live under a strict shriah code. There are South American and Central American countries with no middle classes at all. There are only very rich and very poor.

There are socialist countries that have only poor. There are African countries that are in a constant state of turmoil and violence and abject poverty. There are small nations such as Japan that are very crowded.

All of these people look to America and see a country where even the poor have cable TV, cell phones, apartments and are overweight. Where supermarkets not only always have coffee but have thirty different brands and styles of coffee. They not only have meat everyday but whatever kind of meat you want.

Information is readily available. You can hear, see and read news from every conceivable point of view whenever you want. You can speak out against government officials without fear.

And most importantly, the LIBERTY! Americans can come and go anywhere at any time. They can leave the country on a whim and come back or stay away as they please. They can quit their job and get another, they can move to another part of the country they can live wherever they want.

This just does not happen in many other countries. Although many Americans do not appreciate it, this is still seen as "the shining city on the hill" and is held in the highest regard by many of the worlds people. To hear American music or see an American movie is to have a small bit of that wonderful, magical place at least for a little while.

This is not called the land of opportunity for nothing.

.What is it about American Music and Movies?
I'm an American, and I wonder why much of that sh*t is even popular here.What is it about American Music and Movies?Good question. But when you have a world power anything you do may appeal to people.What is it about American Music and Movies?
Well you have a point here but I specially like the music.What is it about American Music and Movies?Jacob pretty much nailed it on the head but also I must say that foriegn movies are not as good as the movies that we come up with. Our songs for some reason just captures you because many can relate to them. Then you have talented music producers like timberland who makes all the beats for justin timberlake, Missy eliot and other singers make some insane beats that makes your body bump. I have listened to other countries music and I like the way the japanese sing thier rock and roll, punk rock and R%26amp;B.

I will tell you this though, that no other country will ever top the best movies that comes out of hollywood!!! Japan gets close though but they still need some work.What is it about American Music and Movies?
I am romanian. Your American music and movies is addressing to the peoples with low demands. That's why is popular. Did you ever heard about Angela Gheorghiu, Mihai Eminescu, Brancusi, Luchian, Nicolae Iorga, and many others romanian artists ? Why you don't know nothing about them? This is about publicity and image. The problem is that you invadate us with your inculture and way of living.

In many houses is a copy of Al Bundy and company. You want to know why? the american image is everyware because is a easiest way of manipulating people. Make vilas, have expensive cars,(but also make credits)!!! This is the dream of anyone now in my country also...american dream. Can you explain me what is the sense of this dream? I never heard a dream like: I want to be a correct person, to do my job and live happily with my family. In this case I don't think that someone can buy a villa and expensive cars.

Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Art_of_Romania if you want to read something about the personalities from my country.

I love a lot my culture and my folk music. I must accept that you have also good music and movies but from my point of view are no more than 10.

I agree smells_like_pot answer.

You must also know that drugs cames from America starting with 2000. This is also a part of your culture. This will distroy many generations.

My english knowlegdes are poor but test some kids from the college....you will close your mouth about this subject. Since you are in Romania try to talk with students.

Spelling also is an english complication think. You write one vowel and pronounce two....a=ei, i =ai, e=i (this is exception) ..at the end is a mess for nothing.

In romanian language a=a, e=e, i=i ...our mathmatics is better :). I am joking.

I wish you the best and americans, try to see the reality, you are not the best in the world, nobody is! We are humans after all!

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